Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Altostratus, Altocumulus

              ALTOSTRATUS (AS)
   'Altostratus' means 'high spread out'. Altostratus are a featureless cloud, that can form to a thin cloud with an almost watery appearance to a thick dense gray layer that can block out the sun completely. 
    Altostratus forms when a large moist air mass slowly lifts into the middle layer of the atmosphere and condenses. This processes occurs usually by an incoming frontal system. Which may result in an extensive cloud deck that can extend thousands of square miles. 

Altostratus doesn't normally
bring large amounts of rain, but can bring a light drizzle or light snow. Eventually the Altostratus 
builds up to form the Nimbostratus.  
(Altostratus symbol)

     'Altocumulus' is the Latin word for ' high,heaps'. Altocumulus form varies and is always unique. This cloud can be flat featureless, to a parallel roll cloud. Altocumulus does not usually bring rain, but on some occasions it can produce a light drizzle.

   Altocumulus forms when the middle layer of the atmosphere is moist and unstable being lifted.
Consisting of super cooled water droplets or ice crystals (sometimes both)

    (Altocumulus's symbol is shown below)

Stratocumulus (SC)

                   STRATOCUMULUS (SC)

     'Stratocumulus' means 'spread-out heap'. Stratocumulus is a result of weak convection or form when a frontal system lifts a large, moist air mass. When this cloud forms its a good sign that moisture is in the lower levels of the atmosphere. 
    Stratocumulus is a low hanging cloud, appearing as a white or gray layer covering the sky. This cloud often forms into rows or patches.

    Stratocumulus is common along coastlines and in valleys. Marine Stratocumulus are very common off the California and South American coastline. These clouds can also form during fronts.
    When a large storm occurs, Stratocumulus are often the last clouds to appear before the sky's clear completely. Stratocumulus does not bring rain. However if the atmosphere is unstable the Stratocumulus can grow into a cloud that does produce rain and or snow.  
       The symbol for Stratocumulus: