different types of clouds
When you see a cloud its unique. Clouds are one of the most dynamic creations in the natural world. Sometimes they'll be a white fluffy mass skimming the sky, other times there a huge mountain storm cloud that pound the ground with rain, hail, sleet and lighting up the sky with crashes of lighting.
Clouds form from the water cycle:

Each cloud has there own name. In 1803 Luke Howard, also known as "the man who named the clouds," named all the clouds after Latin words that give a small explanation of their characteristics. Such as the Cirrus Cloud, Cirrus meaning "wisp" and Stratus meaning "layer".

Different types of clouds
There are many types of clouds, so scientists put them in category's: low clouds, mid clouds and high clouds.
low clouds are about 6,500 feet high. so when we see them, there characteristics and there unique shape can be clearly seen with the naked eye from the ground. Low cloud types include: Stratus, Nimbostratus, Cumulonimbus (which can also be classified as a high cloud), Stratocumulus and fog (which is a type of Stratus that fell to the ground). Mid clouds include: Altocumulus, Altostratus, and Lenticular clouds. Last but not least, high cloud types: Cirrus, Cirrostratus, Cirrocumulus, and Cumulonimbus Clouds.
When you see a cloud its unique. Clouds are one of the most dynamic creations in the natural world. Sometimes they'll be a white fluffy mass skimming the sky, other times there a huge mountain storm cloud that pound the ground with rain, hail, sleet and lighting up the sky with crashes of lighting.
Clouds form from the water cycle:

Each cloud has there own name. In 1803 Luke Howard, also known as "the man who named the clouds," named all the clouds after Latin words that give a small explanation of their characteristics. Such as the Cirrus Cloud, Cirrus meaning "wisp" and Stratus meaning "layer".
Scientists also gave clouds their own symbol. These symbols were the language of the clouds, for example instead of writing"Cumulus" they would put the symbol :

Different types of clouds
There are many types of clouds, so scientists put them in category's: low clouds, mid clouds and high clouds.