Thursday, January 28, 2016



    Hailstorms tend to be most damaging and frequent where thunderstorms most commonly occur and where the topography (the arrangement of the natural and artificial physical features of an area) is elevated. Severe thunderstorms generate wild, gusty winds and can sometimes produce hailstones. Hailstorms are most common in mid latitudes, particularly in spring and summer.
    Hail is formed inside the cumulonimbus cloud. As you know the cumulonimbus have thermals (updrafts), raindrops can get caught in the thermals carrying them up. As they go up in the cloud again the mold with other raindrops, and because its so cold inside the cloud they freeze up together. Growing every time they go up until they become hailstones, this procces keeps happening until the hailstones become grow to be to heavy for the cumulonimbus cloud. they larger the hailstone the faster they fall.
    While most hailstone grow up to the size of peas, some can form as large as golf
balls or even grapefruits. Lobes and asymmetric shaped can occur in rare, extremely large hailstones. The largest hailstone in recorded history fell in Aura Nebraska, U.S.A, it fell on June, 22, 2003. It measured 18.75 in. in circumference.
    The strongest hailstorm in recorded history occurred on November,3,2007, this storm fell over Bogata, Columbia. The storm blanketed the city with ice. Rain followed by hail and cold temperatures buried dozens of cars in up to 59 in. of ice and freezing rain. 

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