Monday, March 14, 2016

Dew and Frost

                               Dew and Frost

    On cold, clear nights the ground is cooled causing the ground to radiate into the atmosphere. If the temperature of the ground reaches the dew point, and also causing the water vapor to form on surfaces near the ground. When the temperature is above freezing , dew is created; and when the temperature is below freezing, the water vapor condenses to form frost.
    Dew is formed when water molecules in the atmosphere slow down as the temperature cools, When the temperature reached the dew point, the molecules start to bundle together on any cold surface. Some water molecules evaporate back into the atmosphere, more molecules replace them.

      Frost forms when the dew point is below freezing, causing water molecules to transform directly from vapor to solid ice crystals. Some water molecules may evaporate back into the air, while other molecules replace them.
    Frost damage to crops can become severe. The water in a plant cells can freeze and expand, their cell will be damaged and they can die. Frost damages can also ruin grape harvests.


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